
a formal, concise and verbose interpreted programming language

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code is in developement stage please wait for a release

The Language

Musket is an open source project which is aiming to create a formal,reliable and efficient language like go and c++ but also a language with short,concise and verbose syntax like python and ruby
sample program

hw|a|b|c = "hello, world"|3|a|b

println ("hello, world")
println "hello, world"
println hw
print "hey did you know {a} = {b} = {c}"
x = subtract(a,b)
y = subtract a,b
z = subtract a and b

func subtract (a,b){
	return a-b

println " and that {x} = {y} = {z}"

var_synt <- (
	println "stopping execution"


 hello, world
 hello, world
 hello, world
 hey did you know 3 = 3 = 3 and that 0 = 0 = 0
 stopping execution

#### the whole syntax is not made but here are the parts that are made

About the file

the extension for the file should be .mskt

How to run